A message from the President: PMI MN Chapter Members!
Wow! I can’t believe it’s August already and our big Professional Development Days is right around the corner. I don’t know about you, but I am excited to learn, network and reconnect with everyone. There is nothing quite like having the opportunity to sit down face to face and engage with your community, your network.
PMI MN will be welcoming the Project Management community in Minnesota and beyond to PDD 2023on August 14, 2023 (Virtual Event) and August 15 - 16, 2023 In-Person at St. Paul College, located in the heart of St. Paul, MN! There are wonderful offerings for personal and professional development, such as AI in Project Management, a Keynote speaker to kick-off Symposium Day, and an opportunity to meet with several PMI MN sponsors. PDD is a great way to connect and network with other members and professionals in the community and build lasting relationships with others in the profession. We will be hosting a complementary Happy Hour on August 16th following the Symposium Day PDD sessions for all attendees, sponsors, speakers, and volunteers to enjoy. What a great way to end the conference and trade LinkedIn QR codes, or business cards! I hope you can join us online, or in person, for PDD 2023 -- here is the registration information if you have not already signed up! PDD 2023
Some of you have reached out to me in the past month with questions about our chapter with regards to the recent transition in our chapter leadership. Thank you for reaching out. It is always my pleasure to have the opportunity to engage and interact with our members. We have a lot more exciting events lined up for you for the remainder of the year, so please stay engaged.
PMI MN chapter volunteers, a BIG THANK YOU for all the work that you do for the chapter. Your commitment, dedication and service to our members is greatly appreciated. Each year we gather to celebrate and thank you for all your hard work. In order to recognize your effort, we ask that you frequently track your volunteer hours throughout the year on the website. Not only do we use this data to give recognition to those who deserve it; we use the data to determine your eligibility to run for a position on the PMI MN Board. Please always take the time to frequently track your volunteer hours on our website.
If you have not signed your volunteer agreement this year and you have been volunteering, please go to the website and sign the volunteer agreement.
Geraldine Marks, MBA, PMP®, CSM® CSPO® PMI MN President, CEO
Registration Ends for PDD Today! Register Now! Nominations for 2023 Board of Directors
Now is the time to express your interest in being a candidate for the 2023 Board of Directors. The open positions include: · President-Elect, 3-year commitment · Director of Finance, 2-year commitment · Director at Large, 2-year commitment (two open positions)
Candidates are required to have the following “in good standing” qualifications: 1. Membership: Current member of PMI-MN as recorded by PMI 2. Attendance or volunteered in the past 16 months: Attended three Chapter events and/or volunteered a minimum of 40 hours 3. Conduct: PMI Member and PMI Minnesota Chapter member in good standing. 4. Volunteer agreement: Have a signed volunteer agreement on file All candidates interested in running for election need to have expressed interest and submitted the required bio packet by August 4, 2023 to be included in the vetting process. Elections are held in September.
To learn more about the process or express interest in nomination, contact the Nominating Committee via NominatingCommittee@pmi-mn.org.
Looking for one-year commitment instead? PMI-MN also appoints committee chairs annually. PMI-MN has the following standing committees:
· Community Outreach Membership
· Information Technology (IT) Marketing and Communications (MarComm) Professional Development (ProfDev) Programs Finance
· Sponsors Volunteer Services Professional Development Days (PDD) Operations (Chaired by the President-Elect) Express your interest in a Chair position by emailing NominatingCommittee@pmi-mn.org.
Thank you from this year’s Nomination Committee: Ruth Birkholz, Glory Ikeata, Jennifer Cary, and Thomas Sulzer. PMI ® Global Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion PMI, as a global organization, has established a position about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. This statement is posted on the PMI website: As a global leader enabling individuals to create a positive impact through projects, PMI champions a diverse, inclusive, and equitable community – one that serves our millions of stakeholders, including staff, volunteers, members, credential holders, and the profession at large. We embrace and celebrate our differences, and work to create an environment of respect, trust, integrity and fairness in our words and actions. We commit ourselves to empower individuals to do their best work. We aspire to act as a catalyst to bridge cultures, geographies, and differences, and to enable people and organizations to positively impact society.
August Board Member Spotlight This month, we spotlight our Director at Large, Mike Mohn. Mike served in the Marines, training and supervising drill instructors before serving as a JAG attorney. After the Marines, he started, franchised, and sold a successful research company. Investment groups then hired Mike in a variety of leadership roles to help build their companies. His experience includes serving as a management consultant to leading private equity firms and performing due diligence on potential acquisition targets. This unique background gives Mike rare insight on what practices can best help a business succeed. Mike’s interest in project management started as project team leader for Sprint, onboarding 1200 national agents that brought in 11% of Sprint’s small business revenue that year. As Managing Partner for Parkerhouse Advisors, Mike has completed over 70 projects in 30 different industries. His strengths include identifying gaps and creating project plans with actionable steps that ensure achievement of an organization’s strategic goals. He is an expert at uncovering knowledge and showing companies how to use what they have learned to successfully start and complete projects. As a current Director At Large for PMI-MN, Mike serves as the board liaison for the Programs committee. He has previously worked with PMI-MN’s Membership committee as Program Manager, serving as facilitator for New Member Orientation and Member Check-In events. Mike was also the Board Liaison for Professional Development and is a certified trainer for the Project Management Skills for Life program. Mike uses his unique background in project management and as an attorney to further chapter goals and help deliver a rewarding experience to PMI-MN members.
Thank you Mike for all your contribution and hard work for PMI MN!